
October 28, 2015

A Football Repack for a Change

I don't usually go for football repacks. There's just way more for me to enjoy in the randomness of the baseball ones. However, I always take a look at the card showing on each one I see. When I saw that Odell Beckham Jr staring back at me from the front of this repack hanging on a hook at my local Walgreens, I couldn't pass it up.

I'll start with some guys that I kinda liked back when they were still playing. I've never been a Giants fan, but I dug the way Strahan played the game. Herschel Walker was one of he best running backs in the league when I first started watching games. Randy Moss was one heck of an exciting player in the early years of his career. I remember tuning in to Sportscenter to see what incredible plays he made each Sunday in his rookie season.

Next up, two Broncos for the collection. I loved Simon Fletcher in his heyday. He and Karl Mecklenburg were the anchors of the defense in the mid to late '80's. The Moreno makes me a bit sad. He was finally able to put it all together in 2013 and helped Denver reach the Super Bowl...we won't talk about how that went though. Ever since, he has spent way more time on the sidelines than on the field which is unfortunate. Lastly, that's a great action shot of Steve Smith while he was still with Carolina.

Here are the goods, the rookies! Of course, that first one is the repack face card and the reason I bought this thing in the first place. I kinda like the Turkey Red set from last season, nice to have such a great RC from the set. Plus, it's only my second ODB rookie. The other is from the Bowman set, so this one blows that out of the water if for no other reason than it actually shows him in his NFL uniform. As I flipped through, I was surprised to find the Matt Ryan in the stack. This comes from a time when I wasn't buying any football cards at all. It's a welcome addition of a great QB. Lastly, I was really surprised to see that Marvin Harrison RC in the middle of the pile. I collected quite a bit back in 1996 when this one came out, but this is new to me.

The unopened pack in there has stayed that way, for now. It is a 1991 Score pack. I've got so much of that sitting in a 5000 ct. box, I figured I could get away with leaving it sealed for the time being. My final impression of the repack is that it was a really good value. I would have been happy even if the only 'keeper' was the Beckham, but getting the Ryan and Harrison RCs, a few Broncos, and some cardboard reminders of a few good players from my childhood made it great! Thanks for reading.

October 25, 2015

Single Card Post Sunday #2

Welcome to the second week of what I hope to make a regular series: Single Card Post Sunday. I had this week's card all scanned and ready to write about until Friday night. That's when I picked up a few rack packs of Topps Update and when I pulled this insert, I knew that I wanted to share it today. That other card will just have to wait until some other Sunday.

Josh Gibson is one of my favorite players from the Negro League era. There's just something about the many legends/myths that surround his career. He was known by some as the 'black Babe Ruth' and by some accounts hit over 800 home runs in his career. In fact, it is said that some who were fortunate enough to have seen both Ruth and Gibson play actually called Ruth the 'white Josh Gibson'! While there is no fact to back any of this up, it sure does make for great storytelling. 

This new Tape Measure Blasts insert isn't the most imaginative, but I do like adding another Gibson to the collection. It's definitely a bonus that this card highlights a home run that he hit at Yankee Stadium when he was only 18 years old. This card hits on so many of my collecting interests; Negro League player, it's tied to the Yankees, and it's a great bit of baseball history immortalized on cardboard. This moment was sure a glimpse of what was to come in his all too short career.

October 24, 2015

Hell in the Cell Will Settle the Score

I don't watch a lot of wrestling these days, but back when I was younger, I was a huge fan. I'm sure that most of you could have figured that out from the sporadic wrestling card posts sprinkled in over the last few months. One of the big feuds that I remember before I stopped watching on a regular basis was The Undertaker vs. Brock Lesnar.

I recently picked up this pair of cards from a Listia auction. When I was bidding on them, I didn't even pay attention to the fact that each card has a photo from one of their 2002 matches(the set came out in 2003). It seems apropos that I recently picked these up because these two are approaching the end of their second feud. Most everyone that follows sports is aware that Lesnar ended The Undertaker's Wrestlemania winning streak last year.

The Undertaker exacted some controversial revenge a few weeks back at Summer Slam(see video below) and here we are, about 24 hours from their second Hell in a Cell match. This one is the rubber match, the one to settle the score once and for all. It's The Dead Man vs The Beast Incarnate surrounded by steel! Sadly, I won't be watching on WWE Network. Quite honestly, I'm just holding out hope that The Undertaker walks out in one piece. He's not getting any younger and with the recent neck injury that Sting(another of my younger self's wrestling heroes) just suffered fresh in everyone's mind, I can't help but wonder if the rigors of Hell in the Cell will be too much for 'Taker.

October 19, 2015

Some Unexpected Update

This afternoon I took my family to Walmart to pick up a few quick items before taking my daughters to dance class for parent observation night. Much to my surprise, while glancing at the card aisle, I found one of these.

I grabbed it, quickly looking around for any others, but all I found were a few rack packs. I settled for the blaster, for now... I busted this before checking out the checklist, so I went in blind on most of the cards and all of the inserts that I found. The inserts were OK. I like that they continue the 1st Home Run insert, but beyond that I didn't see much that knocked my socks off(therefore, I didn't scan any of them).

I love that Ichiro. There is nothing else I can say about it. Everyone knows it is his first flagship issue since 2012, so I'll leave it at that. I was happy to pull the Buxton since he is one of the big name rookies and I figured I'd show the Cespedes since he is right in the middle of the Mets' playoff run.

At first glance, I like the All-Star subset much better than the past few years. Hopefully, I'll still feel that way after opening more of this.

This trio might be my favorite scan of the blaster. I always enjoy watching the Home a Run Derby. This year was no exception. Bryant's appearance was highly anticipated, Pederson put on a show, but no one could beat the home team favorite in the end.

The Pride and Perseverance insert is pretty nice, even if it is very similar to the base card design. Maybe that's why I like it. Those last two are Walmart exclusive Throwback variations. I think I'm going to have to collect all of the throwback variations.

Finally, the medallion card was Schmidt and is immediately up for grabs. I have no reason to keep him in my collection.

All told, it was a pretty nice break for an unexpected blaster. I didn't get any photo variations, sparkles, or stat back variations, but it was still a lot of fun. I can't wait until I find some more to rip!

October 18, 2015

Single Card Post Sunday

Today I'm going to start a regular new series of posts: Single Card Post Sunday. I'm not going to set any rules on what type of cards show up here, they'll mostly be ones that I want to share that don't fit easily with another theme or group.

Before I share the first card in this series, I wanted to take another moment to make the suggestion that you guys check out the latest Nachos Grande group break. It'll be the final one of 2015 and it should be a lot of fun. Chris always runs a great break. So, if you haven't claimed a team yet, click here to check out the few remaining teams. Let's help him sell this break out!

Fittingly, I start this new series of posts with a true baseball pioneer. Rube Foster was one of, if not the greatest, African-American pitchers in the first decade of the 1900's. Some say he was unequalled on the mound, even by the likes of Satchel Paige! When Foster's playing career was over, he founded and served as president of the National Negro League. Known as 'the father of Black Baseball', he was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1981.

This card hails from a great insert from 2001 Topps Chrome, called What Could Have Been. It highlights ten great Negro League players. I completed the flagship version of the insert set way back in 2001 and currently have more than half of the Chrome set that I still need to hunt down. I've toyed with the idea of chasing the refractor set as well, but in searching eBay, singles are often priced higher than I'd want to pay. I was lucky enough to find this one floating around on Listia and won it for a reasonable amount of credits. It stands as the only refractor from the set that I currently own. Perhaps this pioneer will lead me on a new collecting endeavor as well.

October 14, 2015

A Single Pack of 2015 Donruss Soccer

Before I get to the contents of the pack I ripped, I wanted to take a moment to make the suggestion that you guys check out the latest Nachos Grande group break. It'll be the final one of 2015 and it should be a lot of fun. Chris always runs a great break. So, if you haven't claimed a team yet, click here to check out the remaining teams!

Yesterday I found myself having to run out to the mall to pick up something for one of my daughters. It just so happens that this is the same mall that my semi-local card shop resides in. After completing my errand, I took a quick browse around Cardiacs. Much had changed since my last visit there, but their singles were still quite overpriced. I picked up a few supplies and really wanted to walk out with at least one pack of something since I don't make it out there very often. I settled on a single pack of the recently released Donruss Soccer product. 

I hadn't done much research on it so I had no expectations at all. Once I got home I ripped into it.

Here are your base cards. The design is not terrible, but not anything outstanding either.

More base cards. Nothing that really blew me away here. The photography once again isn't terrible, but at least for the six base cards I pulled, nothing that stands out. I think my favorite photo of these would have to be the Godín header shot.

I pulled an insert too.

The design of this Fantastic Finishers insert is pretty underwhelming and plain to me. My last card was this:

I was pretty happy to pull the one autograph per box on just a single pack. I don't frequent that shop, but at least this tells me that in this case their boxes aren't picked through by employees or regulars. This card is much nicer in hand than in this scan, even with the sticker auto.

Though I wasn't blown away by the design or photography of the cards I pulled, I have an inexplicable urge to track down some more of this product. I may even decide to build the base set if I can get my hands on a cheap box.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to go check out the group break over at Nachos Grande. There's still some great team slots available!

October 13, 2015

A Repack of a Different Kind

Over the weekend I was able to spend a lot of time with my family, but not much time on the hobby. I'm not complaining at all though it is interesting to note that the family time did lead directly to a new hobby adventure. While running errands with my wife and daughters, some never ending shopping led me to a Five Below. I don't go in there very often. In fact, I can probably count on one hand how many times I've been in one before. However, recently I read a post on one of the great blogs out there that detailed a pretty decent repack purchased at a Five Below. I knew that while the girls were looking for nail polish and other accessories that my time would be spent searching for one of these repacks even though I only recalled seeing a few packs here and there during previous visits. After only a few minutes...

I found my objective! At first glance, these appeared to be a pretty decent deal. I mean, I'm used to picking up a Walgreens-style, 100 card repack box for $4.99 every once in a while. Here, for that same price, I get the 100 cards with one guaranteed HOFer and rookie card plus two packs. I'll consider the figure to just take up extra space.

Heck, with these, you can even see two out of the 100 cards and both packs that are included. I assumed that the two 'face cards' would be my HOF and RC's respectively. None of the cubes had any cards showing that I couldn't love without, so I focused on picking the packs I wanted instead.

I decided to go with a 2014 Topps Update and a Heritage pack from the same year. I figured that the packs alone could almost justify me spending the five bucks.

Let's start with the 100 card portion. Nothing against Ryno, but I'd rather count any one of this trio as my official HOF card. The fact that they're oddball issues only makes it better for me!

Overall, the 100 cards was about on par with what I'm used to getting out of repacks, but I must say that I'd also rather count the Maddux as my HOFer, and I'd certainly rather count this Bonds as my RC! I was a bit shocked. Not that these are high dollar cards, but still I felt like I was playing with 'house money' once I flipped to the Bonds. Heck, I even pulled a Griffey Jr! Not bad for one of those 100 card repacks and I still had the packs to openin this one.

Nothing Earth shattering came out of the Heritage, but it was solid. The Hamilton/Castellanos RC was one I hadn't pulled from the few packs I've opened of this previously. The Robertson was a nice reminder of his time in Pinstripes. The Miggy was the highlight of the pack since it's one of the high number SPs of the set. Moving right along to the Update pack.

I already had the Kershaw, but it's nice to pull a player like him. The sparkly, red parallel was of Leury Garcia and will likely end up in a trade package soon. Those first two continued to add 'frosting' to the repack. It might not be frosting exactly, but it looks like Nick Hundley was having his own 'sweet' problems... Sorry for that terrible pun.

Closing out, I pulled another copy of that Tanaka debut card(which for me is a good problem to have) and then I saw that last card. When I opened the pack and took the cards out, I saw a thick card in the middle so I arranged it to be the last one I looked at. Seeing Robbie Cano's red, All-Star jersey really was the cherry on top of this repack cube.

October 11, 2015

Raleigh Card Show Post 3 of 3 - Relics, Autos, and Other Big Spending

Let's launch straight into the most expensive cards that I purchased all day. For the second straight show, I saw fellow blogger William of the Orioles-centric blog Foul Bunt set up as a vendor. While we chatted about everything from pro wrestling to his recent trip to the National, I flipped through a few dollar boxes he had set up.

I snagged this gold parallel of the current Yankees manager and picked out a few others that I needed. While my total purchase may not have put me in the 'big spender' category, it's always nice to see a fellow blogger in person.

I couldn't pass up this Desmond liquorfractor and I couldn't believe my eyes when I flipped to this Turkey Red Josh Gibson.

Next to William's table was a guy who had all sorts of vintage sorted by year. I wanted to find some vintage oddball stuff which was tough since he mostly had singles for the set collectors.

After some digging, I was able to find this Topps Embossed Bobby Richardson for another dollar. There was a few other singles to be had, but they were in pretty rough shape and not worth the asking price. I am very close to completing the 1968 Topps Game set and have out a pretty good dent into the 1969 Deckle set. It's possible that this vintage oddball set will be next on my list to hunt down.

My last stop of the day was a guy that had a bunch of relic/auto boxes marked at $3 each. I normally don't spend too much time looking through boxes like these, but after flipping through a stack or two I saw enough that interested me that I was hooked.

This was the first card that really drew me in. Over the past few weeks, I've been slowly accumulating rookie cards of Virgil Green and this is the first auto I've been able to add.

Shortly after unearthing the Green RC auto, I found this Bradley Roby auto. I bid on a few of these last season when they first came out, but I didn't win one. Now I can add one to my Broncos collection.

I couldn't pass on this cheap Rays prospect auto. It's quite possible that Tyler here will be playing in Durham sometime in the next season or two.

Next up, I pulled another Rays prospect auto. Floro played in Durham this season and I was able to see him pitch a few games. Floro began the season pitching really well for the Bulls, but then he had some really terrible outings and was inconsistent down the stretch. In his first season at Triple A, he certainly showed some signs that he may be able to handle a spot in the Rays rotation, but he will definitely need to learn to limit those big innings against him.

This was far and away my favorite baseball auto of the day. I thought I was lucky to find this Guyer in the discount bin. He's been a really solid player over the past few seasons for the Rays and I really enjoyed watching him play with the Bulls when he was in Durham. 

As I flipped through those boxes, I picked out a few here and there that will end up taking a trip via the USPS in the near future. All told, I picked out more than ten at $3 per. When I handed them to the vendor to pay, he counted them out once and then said 'No, let's do it like this'. He proceeded to count them out again at what turned out to be only $2/card instead. Obviously, I was even happier to grab these cards for me and a few trading partners at that price. That one final deal made the day all the better. I'm glad it was a good one since the show won't be returning to Raleigh until December. I guess that just gives me some extra time to pad my budget for that show! Thanks for reading.

October 8, 2015

Raleigh Card Show Post 2 of 3 - More Quarter Finds, Home-Made Repacks,and Two For a Buck Boxes

Welcome back for the second of three card show recap posts. I'll pick up where I left off. Once I left the quarter boxes, I came upon another regular vendor. This guy typically focuses on supplies, unopened product(some new and some cheap junk wax), and home-made repacks. I usually stop by to see what his repacks look like and pick a few up, but I usually don't buy much else from him. This show was different. He had a few miscellaneous binders set out, so I decided to at least flip through them. As I flipped the pages, it became pretty clear that these binders were similar to the boxes I'd been digging through already. The contents were very random and mostly priced at a quarter a piece.

Though Sosa's rep took a pretty hard hit, I couldn't pass over a Museum Collection card of a great slugger(tarnished career or no). I couldn't believe that I found that McDonald's gold Cal Ripken for a quarter. Since the season was winding down for most teams, I figured that the Rickey and the Griffey Jr cards would help tide me over until it was Spring Fever time again.

The Chicken! That's my second early Donruss card of that awesome mascot. I'm pretty sure that there is one more year that I don't have yet. I am slowly whittling away at the checklist for that 1992 Fleer The Performers 7-11/Citgo set. These three bring me a little bit closer.

Now these, I hadn't seen before! At first I didn't think much of them, figuring they were just random, early Score All-Star cards...until I noticed the P&G logo in the upper corner. When I flipped the page and looked at the back, I saw that this was a new to me oddball set that has 18 cards in it. All told I picked up six different ones. No Yankees, so it's likely that I'll eventually try to piece this set together as well. That wraps up my binder finds.

As I mentioned, this guy always has some home-made repacks sitting in a large box on his table. I've never actually counted how many cards he puts in them, but he fills team bags to capacity and he's got them priced at 3 for $1. He's always got some good quality in them too. I've never opened one and had the thought that what I just looked through was a waste of my money. As I was looking through them, he asked if I was interested in baseball or football. I told him I was looking at whatever he had from either and I told him that I've always appreciated his repacks. I commented that the box was a little empty and he told me that some guy had come by on Saturday and bought all 60 baseball repacks he had made for the show. He told me he had to scramble to put more together so he'd have some for Sunday. As per usual, I picked out three of these to round out my purchase. I sure am glad that he scrambled to make more. Here are some favorites:

Hey, another of those Fleer 7-11/Citgo cards! Alas, I already had the Ryan. I'm sure it will end up in a trade package soon though. That shiny blue thing in the middle is my first 2013 Topps blue sparkle card. True, it is Blake Beavan but's a cool looking card. I think Topps should do something like these again! I only have a few of the Classics singles from last year and I like the design pretty well. It was cool to find Tommy Henrich hanging out in one of the stacks.

Next up, I found a trio of 1991 Donruss The Rookies. The highlight was definitely the Luis Gonzalez, but the Whiten was nice too.

I was really happy that the Guzman was lurking in one of the repacks I chose. Yeah, he's mostly remembered(if at all) for his time on the Blue Jays, but I remember him for the time I got to see him play with my beloved, Durham Bulls! It's always nice to get a relatively early career card of Big Unit! What is that over there in the right? That must be a reprint. Nope! It is an actual 1968 Topps card. I don't know who Stan Williams is, but it was really awesome and unexpected to pull some vintage out of one of these team bags!

These three threw me as well. At first glance I figured they were base 1991 UD and didn't give them a second look. Upon closer inspection, I thought it was odd that I didn't even vaguely remember having seen these photos before. Best I have figured(I haven't attempted to really research them yet), they are a special All-Star set that Upper a Deck did that year. I was especially happy with the Rickey and the dual award photo with Junior and Ryno.

These would have to be my three favorites out of the repacks. I love that old Fleer Pete Rose w/ the cameo by his son. Deion in a Yankee uniform is always a welcome sight. That Chris Sale RC was one that I didn't have yet. If only all retail repacks could be as good as these!

Next, I found a guy that had about a dozen 5000ct boxes labeled 'Two for a Buck'. I dug right in, starting with some football(just to mix it up a bit).

Emmanuel Sanders has become a real superstar since joining the Broncos last season. This represents the first RC of his in my collection. Mario Wiliams is a PC guy for a few reasons. First, he went to NC State(my Alma Mater) and second, I've had the good fortune to meet him a few times and he's a really great guy! All of these were released during a time when I wasn't collecting football cards at all so it great to find these to fill in some holes. Plus, I dig that Player Timeline card that shows him in his NC State uni!

Broncos, Broncos, Broncos! I'm really happy that they've found a way to win each week and are currently 4-0. I hope hey can keep it going! I recently received my first Virgil Green RC in a trade, but I was thrilled to add the refractor and the orange refractor of his RC. Have I mentioned my love of the old Pinnacle Museum Collection yet? Actually, I think the football version was called Trophy Collection. At any rate, Pinnacle's Dufex technology on a parallel or insert is a thing of beauty. Match that up with a team or individual player I collect and my appreciation for that card grows exponentially. These guys were two of my favorite players back in their day to boot!

I always love finding cards of some of the defensive players that don't rate being on every checklist when new sets are released. Omar Bolden fits that description, plus I like the Crown Royale die cut. 

Oooh, shiny and historic!? I'm not 100% positive that this pic was taken from Fisk's well known World Series Home Run, but it looks like it might have been snapped right before he started using his body english to wave that ball fair. Even if it wasn't, this is a great piece of cardboard!

I didn't pull too much from he baseball, but the ones I did buy packed some serious punch. I've mentioned my love of Collector's Choice before. Well, that Bonds checklist is actually a gold signature parallel. It's not terribly valuable these days, but those gold sigs were really difficult pulls back then and are still pretty tough to come by. I already had the Pettitte Bowman RC, but for a half dollar, I couldn't bring myself to leave it behind. I picked the purple refractor Karns up because he has played with the Bulls over the past few seasons and was solid, if unremarkable, in Tampa this season. A green refractor RC of one of the best pitchers in the AL this season? Yes please! Oh yeah, Archer is also a former Bull. I snagged the Bowman Nomo because I've picked up a bunch of his RCs over the past few months and I still needed that one. I save the best for last! That Deion Sanders has it all:

Oddball?  Check!
One of my favorite players?  Check!
Unfamiliar sport?  Check!

Man, wasn't it enough that Prime Time played Baseball and Football? I never would have imagined that a card existed of him playing basketball. Who does he think he is, Bo Jackson?

To any of you that actually read all the way until,the end of this post, thanks and I'm sorry that it was so much longer than my normal posts. The good news is that only one show recap post remains. In it I will explore cheap auto/relic boxes and delve into some 'pricier' bins.

October 7, 2015

Good Season, New York!

I am having some technical difficulties with editing my second card show post. I hope to have it ready to post sometime tomorrow. So, tonight I shift gears. Congrats to my Yankees for making the playoffs in a season where nobody thought you'd manage a .500 record. However, since their season ended last night I'm throwing all of my support towards a Cubs-Astros World Series match-up. As always, since this is a card blog, I've got to have at least one scan in each post. Here goes.

This is a 'retrofractor', as they were called back in 2001. I chose this recent Listia win for tonight's post because it focuses on happier days for the guys in Pinstripes and makes me feel better about having to wait until next season to see them play again. Good luck tonight Cubbies! Thanks for reading.

October 6, 2015

Raleigh Card Show Post 1 of 3 - The Eclectic Quarter Boxes

I've decide that I've made enough progress on my trade post back log that I could finally reward myself by sharing some of the cards that I found at the card show the weekend before last. Like many of you who have the fortune of going to shows in your area, most of the vendors at the Raleigh Card Show are the same time after time. Lucky for me, I've found some really great stuff at some of these tables. Today, I'll focus on a vendor that I've come to think of as the 'random guy'. He usually has a mixture of quarter, dollar, and $5 boxes. I have yet to make it past his quarter boxes. They're some of the most eclectic, treasure filled boxes I've ever dug through. This past show was no different. Often times I end up finding cards that I had no idea even existed.

These oddballs however don't fit that description, but that doesn't make them any less exciting to find. At a quarter a piece, there was no way I was leaving these in those boxes. I'm going to put some effort into completing the Deckle edge set once I finish up the '68 Game set. In fact, I've already got a pretty great start. After adding this one, I only need 8 more to finish the set. Unfortunately, I've got some big names in those 8. I'll post my set needs at some point in the near future.

Let's move on to some cards that I never knew existed. Of these six, three were completely new to me. There was also one that I had never seen in person, only online. I have several cards from the Purina set, but it was awesome to find this Rickey mixed into those stacks. I've also got a few of the SP Holoview inserts. These take me back to my younger collecting days. I loved these, but always had to admire them from afar since back then they were all pretty pricey. Fortunately, these are largely forgotten in the modern collecting landscape so I can reminisce and finally own a few of these. Bo knows holograms! 

I had heard that there was a card of Larry Bird playing baseball, so a few years back, I searched for it. I found a few copies online, but never picked one up and soon forgot all about it, until this show. Finding this beauty made me do a double take. I was thrilled, and couldn't pull it out of the stack I was flipping through fast enough! That Nolan Ryan threw me for a loop. I had seen the Classic Best minor league set before, but I didn't know that Ryan had a card in it. As it turns out, this is a promo that shows him in a Jacksonville Suns uniform. I knew of another Jacksonville Ryan card out there from an Obak issue, but not this one. I don't officially have a collection that it fits into, but I couldn't leave it behind. I was probably most shocked to come across those USA Baseball Training Site cards of Tino Martinez and Jim Abbott. Again, I had no idea these existed and I couldn't pull them out fast enough. Two former Yankees, playing for Team USA on oddball issues...sounds like a winner to me! Plus, how could you not love Abbott at bat?

The unexpected finds didn't stop there. This Joe Torre from an Atlanta PD release was an odd find. It was the only PD card that I found. When I came upon it, I had visions of picking a handful of others to share with the Braves collectors that I trade with regularly, but it wasn't to be.

Wait, 1993 Topps? Why on Earth would I pull those out of an otherwise interesting bunch of quarter boxes? Hmmm, let's take a closer look.

That would be the Rockies Inaugural Year gold foil stamp on those '93 Topps cards. I love how Mattingly seems to be ready to catch the gold foil stamp and apply the tag!

In keeping with the theme of most of the cards I picked from this guy's quarter boxes, I had never seen these in person prior to this show. All in all, I grabbed around 40 of these. I knew I wouldn't find the Jeter RC, but I was shocked to find Mattingly, Griffey Jr, Bonds, and a bunch of other HOF players. That wraps up my quarter box dig. Stay tuned for parts 2 and 3 of my show recap where I'll explore dealer made repacks, cheap relics/autos, and some other discount boxes. Thanks for reading!