
May 25, 2020

Week 4's Winner is...

The bell has been rung on this week's claiming period. Thank you to the 9 readers that participated this week. Let's go to the list.

Here is the list pasted into the box, ready to be shuffled.

Here is the screenshot of the list after 7 rounds. Remember that the time stamp on the randomizer is set at UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) which is 4 hours ahead of EST. This week's winner is John Sharp! Please drop a comment with the best way to contact you about shipping instructions. The Sasha Banks relic will be headed your way. I once again have a challenging few days ahead of me preparing a prize pack for someone I haven't traded with in the past. If last week is any indicator, it's definitely going to be a blast! I thought that the Willie Nelson relic was out of here for sure since it proved to be so popular. Perhaps I'll have to throw it back out there for the upcoming 'Anything Goes' week. All previous winners are now eligible to enter once again. Stay tuned for a brief rules post later this week. It will outline how many winners there will be and give some additional contest specifications that will be in play.

Check back here this coming Sunday to see what is up for grabs when anything goes! Thanks for reading.


  1. Seven of nine. Not nearly as sexy as the Star Trek version.

    I shall take solace in knowing I picked the most popular card.

  2. Congratulations John! And thanks for the giveaway Cardpocalypse!
