May 10, 2015

My Three Favorite Cards, Kinda

I recently happened on a new(to me) blog: My Life in the Sports Card Hobby. It turns out its author, Frankie, was running a contest and I read an entry over on The Underdog Card Collector. I'm glad I found Frankie's blog. I mean, he's a Yankees fan, his blog is great, and who doesn't love a contest? So, I began thinking about the task of deciding on my three favorite cards. As it turns out, not only is this a difficult task, but since I haven't been blogging for very long, I haven't written about most of the candidates for my favorites. They each have their own distinct stories about how they made their way into my collection. So, instead of sharing them now for the contest and denying them their own time in my collection's spotlight, I have decided to pick my three favorite cards that have already appeared on my blog thus far. I realize this is probably repetitive and cheating a little, but here goes(in no particular order).

This Elway has been in my collection for a long while now. It brings together the best of both of my favorite sport teams worlds. Seeing that young John Elway sporting those pinstripes always makes me smile!

A gold version of the Captain's farewell salute to the fans in the Bronx. It's an iconic moment for this Yankee fan. Not much else I can say about it.

Lastly, I'll go with this recent pickup. Lately, I'm really digging the oddball vintage stuff. This is not only my first card from the 1961 Post set, but it's also my first 'real', non-modern day, Whitey Ford. I've found myself looking at this card over and over again in the relatively short time I've had it.

There you have 'em! These are my current three favorite cards(that I've already shared). Though this was kinda cheating, I must say that both the Elway and the Jeter would have legitimate chances to crack my true top three on any given day, but there are some really great cards that will be shared sometime in the future.

Thanks for an entertaining read Frankie, keep up the great writing.


  1. that Elway is awesome never seen that photo. I'm sure you have them but I have a few Elway doubles I'll send your way

    1. Yeah, that Elway came out somewhere around 1998 or so. I wrote a post about it early in my blog's history if you're interested.

  2. Now I've gotta pick up one of those Jeter's!

    1. As much as I love that Jeter, I've had to fight the urge to go for the 'rainbow'. It helps that there is no way I'd have the funds needed.

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, I was at least going for some unconventional choices. Some of the others are definitely a little more 'normal'.
