October 14, 2015

A Single Pack of 2015 Donruss Soccer

Before I get to the contents of the pack I ripped, I wanted to take a moment to make the suggestion that you guys check out the latest Nachos Grande group break. It'll be the final one of 2015 and it should be a lot of fun. Chris always runs a great break. So, if you haven't claimed a team yet, click here to check out the remaining teams!

Yesterday I found myself having to run out to the mall to pick up something for one of my daughters. It just so happens that this is the same mall that my semi-local card shop resides in. After completing my errand, I took a quick browse around Cardiacs. Much had changed since my last visit there, but their singles were still quite overpriced. I picked up a few supplies and really wanted to walk out with at least one pack of something since I don't make it out there very often. I settled on a single pack of the recently released Donruss Soccer product. 

I hadn't done much research on it so I had no expectations at all. Once I got home I ripped into it.

Here are your base cards. The design is not terrible, but not anything outstanding either.

More base cards. Nothing that really blew me away here. The photography once again isn't terrible, but at least for the six base cards I pulled, nothing that stands out. I think my favorite photo of these would have to be the Godín header shot.

I pulled an insert too.

The design of this Fantastic Finishers insert is pretty underwhelming and plain to me. My last card was this:

I was pretty happy to pull the one autograph per box on just a single pack. I don't frequent that shop, but at least this tells me that in this case their boxes aren't picked through by employees or regulars. This card is much nicer in hand than in this scan, even with the sticker auto.

Though I wasn't blown away by the design or photography of the cards I pulled, I have an inexplicable urge to track down some more of this product. I may even decide to build the base set if I can get my hands on a cheap box.

Thanks for reading, and don't forget to go check out the group break over at Nachos Grande. There's still some great team slots available!


  1. Thanks for the group break plug (and congrats on the autograph)!

    1. Thanks and you're welcome. Hope the break fills completely. I might be tempted to snag the Yankees if they last much longer!

  2. At least I know there's another Cavani I can chase down for my 2/14 collection.

    1. There's probably going to be a half dozen new ones since there are a bunch of parallels in there. If I grab a cheap box, I'll send you the Cavani.

  3. The fact there are no English clubs turned me off on this product but sweet pull man.

    1. I hear ya, but it like the idea of the SP's of the guys in their national team uniforms and I figured I should support a product like this and maybe they'd continue with better soccer products in the future.

  4. Oh man that Lallana autograph is fantastic, nice pull Tim!

  5. No English teams is really a bummer. Nice pull though! If you do end up getting a box, let me know. Maybe we can trade insert sets and get somewhat closer to completing them.
